◆テーマ:”The Rise of China and the Changing Trends
of Middle Power`s ChinaPolicy
◆日 時:2012年3月16日(金)~17日(土)
◆場 所:ソウル大学国際大学院
◆共 催:ソウル大学国際大学院
◆言 語:英語
*会議のサマリおよび政策提言集はこちら-〉Summary of JKA 2012.3.16.pdf
Joint Conference II on
The Rise of China and the
Changing Trends of Middle Power’s China Policy
Co-organized by Institute of East Asian Studies, Keio University, and
Institute of International Affairs, Graduate School of International Studies,
Seoul National University
March 16–17, 2012
Seoul National University, Seoul
March 15
18:00 ~ Dinner
Day 1: March 16
09:00~09:20 Introduction and Overview of the Project
Speakers: Yoshihide Soeya & Geun Lee
Session 1 Domestic Politics (Public Diplomacy) Sphere
Moderator: Geun Lee
09:20~09:35 Cheol-Hee Park
09:35~09:50 Yoshihide Soeya
09:50~10:00 David Envall
10:00~10:30 General Discussion (open to all participants)
10:30~10:40 Break
Session 2 Socio-Cultural (Soft Power) Sphere
10:40~10:55 Jong-Ho Jeong
10:55~11:10 Masahuki Tadokoro
11:10~11:20 Rikki Kersten
11:20~11:50 General Discussion (open to all participants)
11:50~12:50 Lunch
Session 3 Economics and Regionalism Sphere
Moderator: Yoshihide Soeya
12:50~13:05 Takashi Terada
13:05~13:20 Geun Lee
13:20~13:30 Brendan Taylor
13:30~14:00 General Discussion (open to all participants)
Session 4 Security Sphere
14:00~14:15 Seong-Ho Sheen
14:15~14:30 Tomohiko Satake
14:30~14:40 Amy Catalinac and Andrew O`Neli
14:40~15:10 General Discussion (open to all participants)
15:10~15:30 Break
15:30~17:00 Live Telecast ANU Panel Session
15:45~16:30 Session 1: Middle Powers and “The China Factor”
Moderator: William Tow
Brenden Taylor
Yoshihide Soeya
Geun Lee
16:30~17:15 Session 2: Stability of the Korean Peninsula and
Alliance Strategies
Andrew O`Neli
Tomohiko Satake
Seong-Ho Sheen
Closing Comments and Closing Discussion
17:00~17:15 Geun Lee
17:15~17:30 Yoshihide Soeya
17:30~17:45 William Tow
18:30~ Dinner
Day 2: March 17
10:00-12:00 Planning for the Next Conference
12:00~ Farewell Luncheon